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Here, you will find a showcase of clients that have entrusted Vitalis Coaching & Wellness with their goals— successful and interesting professionals, community leaders and change warriors. Find out what encouraged them to sign up for coaching and what their experience was like.


Debra, HR & Administrative Services Leader

Why did you sign up for coaching?

I won a few sessions with Marie from an online giveaway. After they were done, I made so much progress in a short period of time that I purchased six more months. I originally met with Marie to help me become more consistent in my habits and to build space into my everyday life for joy. I was buried in work and was having a hard time finding balance. Our sessions then morphed into talking about everything from my career to family issues.

Did you achieve your goal?

Yes! I not only achieved my goal but surpassed them with Marie's guidance!

What was your biggest take away?

My biggest takeaway was that all our challenges are relative. And it is all about our perspective


SalliAnne, Assistant Chief, CalPERS

Why did you sign up for coaching?

On March 18, 2020, I left my cubicle in Sacramento to work from home for what I thought would only be two weeks, while the world waited for the coronavirus outbreak to blow over. For nearly a year after that, I reported to work at my kitchen table, despite having a perfectly wonderful, albeit cluttered, office area. I signed up for coaching with Marie in response to a social media post where she offered assistance in setting up my virtual workspace.

Did you achieve your goal?

Yes! Marie helped me visualize an energizing work space, one I truly look forward to being in every day. Marie’s enthusiasm for what my space could be made even doing the work to create the space fun and enjoyable.

What was your biggest takeaway?

The environment ALWAYS wins, and Marie helped me design a winning environment. My new organized space has led to greater productivity, more fulfillment at work, and improved overall happiness.

“The Things We Carry” Workshop with G.I.R.L.S. Rock Sacramento

What we heard:

“Such an awesome workshop with Marie today!”

“I got to learn about poise, courage, and community today.”


Gloria, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

Why did you sign up for coaching?

I was presented with this opportunity and it just happened to be very timely. I had been trying to figure out how to achieve a particular goal when Marie's coaching was offered.

Did you achieve your goal?

I am closer to achieving my goal now than I have been in the past 7 years. I am probably just a few months from it coming to fruition.

What was your biggest take away?

This experience was such a different approach to establishing action steps toward achieving a goal. I will certainly use Marie in the future when working to fulfill my dreams and goals.


Marina, Business Owner, The Torch Club

Why did you sign up for coaching?

I signed up because due to several life changes, I needed to get on a path for planning my future. My business has been closed due to the pandemic and I had many concerns and thoughts about my future.

Did you achieve your goal?

The goal is not yet achieved as we are always on a continual path in life, however I have a clearer direction and focus. I remain a current client.

What was your biggest take away?

I think my biggest take away was that I am the one getting in the way of my own progress and in making future plans/goals. I have to focus on my needs.


Holly, UCDMD HR Business Partner and Dance Instructor

Why did you sign up for coaching?

I was interested in coaching to help sort through the overwhelming stress I had going on in my life.

Did you achieve your goal?

Yes! I achieved my goal.

What was your biggest takeaway?

My biggest take away was that I need to get out of my own head.